KAMP on the Mall. Hosted by KAMP Student Radio. Noon - 1 p.m. UA Mall, Main Stage Shmear on the Mall. Bagels, spreads and conversation about Israel. Noon, UA Mall
Poker Tournament. 6 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Wilbur's Underground, Games Room Free screening - "A Christmas Story." Presented by University Activities Board. 7:30 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Gallagher Theater
"Why Megachurches?" by Mark Chaves, department of sociology. Large Protestant churches, drawing thousands of people to services held in huge buildings on many acres of land, are a prominent feature of the American religious landscape. This talk will address questions about this fascinating phenomenon. Noon - 1 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Gallagher Theater "Performing the Audience: TV and Family Conversation in Lebanon and Morocco," by Becky Schulthies, department of anthropology. This presentation will focus on domestic conversations as a way in which the social imaginary of the "audience" collaboratively construct their understanding of events. Noon, Louise F. Marshall building, Room 490 "Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics," by Robert Devaney, Boston University. A guided tour through the world of mathematical chaos, from fundamental arithmetic to the frontiers of research, by one of the leaders in the field. Featuring stunning graphic representations of fractal diagrams, Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets. 4 p.m. César E. Chávez building, Room 110 CNN Documentary Screening - "Teach For America." Learn how four Teach For America members changed the lives of their students at a free screening of a CNN documentary on Teach For America. 7 p.m. Education building, Room 211