
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Don't give up on basketball squad yet

I am writing in response to Michael Neish's letter "Time for Olson to step down." Contrary to Neish's claim, the Wildcats have not performed sloppier in recent years. According to statistics on the Arizona Athletics Web site, since the 2000-2001 season, turnovers per game have decreased from 15.1 to 14.8, and shooting percentage has improved ever so slightly, from 47.6 percent to 47.8 percent.

I understand that it's easy to notice bad passes and errant shots during one particular game, but can we blame that all on Lute? Remember that, although our beloved Wildcats are incredibly talented, they're just college kids performing to the best of their ability in front of thousands of screaming fans.

As for this year's team, they've only played five regular-season games. It's March and April that really count. I recall the 1996-1997 team finishing fifth in the regular-season Pac-10 standings before winning the National Championship in April.

Now, let's discuss Bobby Knight. It's true that Knight has more total wins and national championships than Lute. However, we're talking about the same Bobby Knight who tossed a chair on the court during a game, has continually belittled and verbally abused members of the media, allegedly got into a shouting match with a Texas Tech official at a salad bar and whose most famous quote includes the line "I want them to bury me upside down so my critics can kiss my ass."

Bobby may be a legend, but I choose Lute any day.

Albert Muniz
UA alumnus

FYI: Europe isn't a country either

This semester there have been at least two instances of articles in your paper written by Arizona Daily Wildcat staff that have referred to Africa as a country. The latest occurred in Ariel Serafin's Monday article, "Student to climb 3 peaks in 3 weeks."

Not only is Africa not a country, the continent of Africa contains 54 sovereign nations. While it may not be reasonable to expect that a Wildcat reporter should know the names of all of them, reporters (and editorial staff) should at least understand the difference between a country and a continent.


Marc Parenteau

Sex education not the responsibility of the Wildcat

I fail to see the irony of the Dec. 2 edition of the Wildcat ("Bernsen story, Wildcat ads collide in a flash of irony"). The Wildcat is a form of media that reports the news. Media have all kinds of advertisements that sometimes use drugs, alcohol and sex as a selling point. That doesn't mean people are absolved from personal responsibility when they see something in an advertisement.

Since you are a parent, I would think that you would be responsible enough to teach your kids the seriousness of sexual harassment and not let that be the Wildcat's job. That's what my parents did.

Greg Ralbovsky
civil engineering sophomore

'Moisture' a bane to union toilet seat covers

I believe that seat covers should not be placed into the bathrooms around campus ("Paper seat protector costs hard to cover, officials say"). Whether the seat covers are there or not, people will still use toilet paper as well.

I know that I personally never use seat covers. I wipe down the toilet seat with paper first to absorb any wetness, then proceed to line each side with three to four sheets of toilet paper on each side. The seat covers are so thin that simply placing them onto of the toilet seat alone does not make me feel comfortable whatsoever. Any moisture will go right through the thin paper.

For this, I believe people should just wipe the toilet down and just use the toilet paper provided. And if you're still uncomfortable with that, then don't use public restrooms.

Andrew Markoulis
undeclared freshman

Making light of maimed soldiers unacceptable

In response to Scott Patterson's editorial "Confessions of a conservative," I would again like to voice my disapproval for the manner in which Mr. Patterson addresses the war in Iraq, specifically citing his distasteful comments regarding wounded soldiers: "explosives continue to disfigure, maim and kill our soldiers, leaving them caroling, praying, imploring, 'All I want for Christmas are my own two feet.'"

This comment reaches a new level of sickening cynicism that should elicit nothing less than a full apology on the part of Mr. Patterson. This sort of highly insensitive, unprofessional and disrespectful commentary has no place in our school newspaper.

I highly doubt Mr. Patterson would relay his Christmas carol analogy regarding loss of limbs in person to wounded soldiers younger in age than he is at Walter Reed Medical Center. Shame on you, Mr. Patterson.

James Carlson
undeclared sophomore

The UA needs more ashtrays

I'm tired of not being able to find an ashtray around the UA. While walking to class, I smoke just like many other students, but I make an attempt to appropriately dispose of my cigarette. I'm constantly watching students throw their cigarette on the ground, whether they are walking or sitting out side of a building.

There are cigarette butts accumulating around campus, and if the UA would just invest in some ashtrays, everyone would benefit. Now that finals are here, there are going to be more students studying on campus and with the increase of stress levels, students are going to be smoking more. Regardless of the UA's smoking signs, students will smoke wherever is most convenient.

The UA needs ashtrays on the steps leading down to the Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center so that students are not tempted to carry their cigarettes down into the breezeway. In addition, it will encourage students who are studying at the ILC and the UA Main Library not to smoke in front of the doors. If the UA would strategically place more ashtrays around campus, people who are bothered by smoking and smokers alike would greatly benefit.

Taylor Robinson
media advertising freshman