Senate meeting yields no date for impeachment trial

By Zack Colick
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Business continued as usual during the ASUA senatorial meeting last night, but no mention of Student Body President Cade Bernsen's possible impeachment from office took place.

There was no official timetable set last semester for when the trial was to take place against the student body president, and Bernsen's written and oral defense statements have not officially been heard by the ASUA senators, said Sen. Patrick Cook, a pre-education sophomore.

Cook said the impeachment trial could not be heard or discussed during a senate meeting without at least one senator already placing the item on the agenda.

Erin Hertzog, executive vice president, said the case hasn't been brought forward because final examinations were about to start and the ASUA Supreme Court must meet 10 days after an impeachment trial, leaving no time to meet because of the impending winter break.

Hertzog said she doesn't have voting power and wants to stay far away from the proceedings, calling it a conflict of interest.

"I'm letting the senators take care of it," said Hertzog, a journalism junior.

While Cook and Sen. Heather Spicer said they wouldn't bring the item forward, Cook said he was "95 percent sure" someone would bring it forward for a vote at next week's meeting.

"It wasn't on the timetable simply because today was the first day of school and everybody was still getting back into the swing of things," Cook said.

Miller tapped as new elections commissioner

Wanting to step up to a challenge and fill a position which had recently been vacated, a former ASUA marketing director became ASUA's second elections commissioner in December.

Jordan Miller, a senior majoring in marketing and French, will assume the role and become acting elections commissioner, whose duties involve overseeing campaigns, conducting general elections and special elections, and ensuring elections are fair.

Miller said she will be officially appointed elections commissioner during next week's senate meeting and said she feels qualified for the position because of the many different roles she's taken on in ASUA during her four years in the organization.

"I've seen all sides of the elections process and am becoming familiar with the elections code and feel qualified to assume the responsibilities," Miller said. "It's logical for (ASUA) to have someone to step in and knows the ropes because it's an important position that helps direct the voice of the students."

Miller said she feels at ease and doesn't feel the pressure in taking over for former elections commissioner Tyler Carrell, as well as working alongside Student Body President Cade Bernsen.

"I know this job takes hard work and someone with incredible dedication, Miller said. "I'm really glad that I chose to take on the challenge."

As acting commissioner, Miller said she hasn't felt the brunt of the job yet, but admits she's busy putting together packets of information for students interested in running in the March general elections to become either a senator, the administrative vice president, executive vice president or the student body president.

"Now it's more or less organizational work," Miller said. "The stressful time comes in March."