Fast Facts

Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, January 27, 2006

Things you've always never wanted to know

Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders once tried to claim his white suits as a tax deduction, but the Internal Revenue Service wouldn't allow it.

President Zachary Taylor never voted in a presidential election - not even his own.

Mark Twain was the first to type a book manuscript. Working on Remington Model No. 1, which he bought in 1874, Twain typed at a speed of 19 words per minute.

At one time, all radio stations east of the Mississippi River had call letters beginning with the letter "W." West of the Mississippi, the call letters began with the letter "K."

Giraffes can't swim.

The little rubber gizmo on the end of a toothbrush is called a stimulator tip.

An adult moth never eats.

Old Lyme, Conn., has the world's only museum dedicated to nuts. The world's largest nutcracker, 8 feet long, hangs outside on a tree.

The towns of Dayton, Atlanta, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Bangor, Hartford, New Haven, Phoenix, Stamford, Urbana, and Newark have one thing in common: they are all in New York state.

Where there is fire does not always mean there is smoke. Smoke actually means that a fire is not burning properly and that bits of unburned materials are escaping. A perfectly clean fire produces almost no smoke.

An egg will float if placed in sugar water.

John F. Kennedy and Warren Harding were the only U.S. presidents to be survived by their fathers.

The National Safety Council reports that bicycles, stairs and doors, in that order, cause more accidents in the home than any other objects.

Every year, about 3 million Americans become cigarette smokers.