Fast facts

Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Things you always never wanted to know

  • The following terms were coined during the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "bottleneck," "brain trust," "coordinator," "court-packing," "directive," "economic royalist" and "good-neighbor policy."

  • "RSVP" is an abbreviation for the French "repondez s'il vous plait," meaning "please respond." It does not stand for "respond very promptly," as is often supposed.

  • If a baseball-sized piece of a supernova star (known to astronomers as a "pulsar") were brought to Earth, it would weigh more than the Empire State building.

  • Four million tons of hydrogen dust are destroyed in the sun every second.

  • In the early days of baseball, between 1840 and 1850, a fielder put a runner out by hitting him with the ball. Home base and the batter's plate were two separate spots (and thus the lineup included a fourth baseman), and there was no distinction between fair and foul balls.

  • A pipe two feet in diameter will allow four times more fluid to pass through it than a pipe one foot in diameter - the volume of pipe varies as the square of its diameter.