
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Editorial denies second chances

In the staff editorial, the Arizona Daily Wildcat expresses their opinion that killers shouldn't be teachers because they are endangering students. Well, in that case what line of work do you suggest they pursue? Should they be factory workers? CEOs? Bag boy at Bashas'? I ask because wherever they go there will always be someone who will feel a level of discomfort around them, and frankly that is their problem, not the employer's nor the killer's. If someone doesn't feel comfortable being in Dr. Bretchel's class he can always drop it.

Saying that reformed killers shouldn't be teachers shows little faith in the fact that people can change. The chances of someone like Dr. Bretchel, a reformed killer, being a repeat offender are probably as slim as some "normal," "average" person killing for the first time. Sure your regular Ted Bundys and Charles Mansons can't live in society, but the staff editorial and last Thursday's article made it very clear Dr. Bretchel definitely does not fit under the same category. People deserve a second chance and most importantly their pursuit of happiness. He already has paid for his crime; he should not be denied the job he wants on top of that.

Angel Del Valle
religious studies sophomore

Class attendance necessary

I would like to respond to the issue of class attendance that seems to be the topic of concern over that past few days. Wake up, get a life and stop complaining. My 8-year-old granddaughter seems to have a better understanding of this concept that most of you.

Instructors levy attendance requirements for a multitude of different academic reasons. In the case of language classes or those lecture classes that also have weekly workshops, physical participation is a fundamental requirement of the course curriculum. On the first day of class, most instructors provide a course outline with specific rules they have set for their class. If the class requires attendance, then you are forewarned of this requirement. If these requirements are too much for your poor, overstressed body, then the logical step is to lighten the load and drop a class.

I have no sympathy for those claiming they are working 40 hours a week and carrying a full load at school and find themselves exhausted. You are the ones that selected this path. Lighten the workload or lighten the academic load to provide the necessary rest. I also work between 40 and 50 hours a week and send spend quite a bit of time a home working on projects for work, so I have had to lighten my load to provide the necessary time to spend with family and sleep.

Jeff Steinkamp
computer science sophomore

Wildcat always blames Bush

I am continually disappointed in the opinion articles written by the Wildcat staff. It doesn't matter whether it is election week or just any average day, it seems like the entire staff's duty is to blame some crisis on President Bush. As the semester progresses it becomes increasingly apparent that the entire staff writes from a liberal point of view. As an American, I am very tired of hearing about how our president has a hidden agenda or dirty motive behind every unfortunate occurrence in the world. I would greatly appreciate a more diverse staff where every writer would not blame every rainy day on our president.

Michael Dickerson
mechanical engineering sophomore