Artists come together to celebrate Hispanic Culture

By Cassie Blombaum
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Mexican Art featured in UA union exhibit

The Union Gallery is featuring artwork by 24 artists from Sonora, Mexico, to present the message of Mexican-American and Hispanic solidarity and influence in society.

"Cuando Sonora Habla," or "When Sonora Talks," is featured in the Union Gallery on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center until Feb. 7.

Sponsored by Fundación México Art Committee and UA Union Galleries, the exhibit features 51 pieces and is designed to stress the important connection existing between Mexico and Arizona, said Chrissy Lieberman, senior coordinator for campus activities and curator of the gallery.

"The artwork is presented entirely from natives from Mexico and shows the continued commitment of the UA to solidify relations between Arizona and Mexico," Lieberman said.

Steven Carillo, vice president of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, said he was excited the university was sponsoring an event that could reinforce the value of Mexican culture in Arizona.

Since many students at the UA are not Tucson locals, events like the art show are important because they can open the eyes of young people nationwide to a diverse yet important culture, Carillo said.

"It would only make sense to have this type of event. Arizona and Mexico work hand in hand and depend so much on each other," Carillo said. "An exhibit that reinforces that relationship can only strengthen the multicultural ties existing between the two."

Kathleen Erin Kelley, an undeclared freshman, also liked the idea behind the gallery and expressed a love for some of the artwork.

"I like how the exhibit reaches out to the Hispanic community by capturing some of its best artwork," Kelly said.

Carillo said SHPE members were encouraged to attend the gallery exhibit by their adviser at the club's weekly meeting; however, the display should have been advertised more to the student body as a whole.

"I expected to see fliers or at least an e-mail from the UA Listserv," Carillo said. "There should have been more promotion for the event, that way every student could know they had the opportunity to go."

Alejandra Moreno, coordinator of the Fundación México Arts Committee, said she also wished there had been more advertisements.

However, Lieberman said, "the event was advertised to its fullest capabilities."

"We took the traditional advertising route and sent press releases out to UA news media and provided information through our mailing list," Lieberman said. "We also expect to have the exhibit advertised on KUAT."

Lieberman said because the Fundación México Art Committee and Union Galleries are nonprofit, the budget for the exhibit could not allow them to advertise on a grand scale.

However, Moreno said despite a lack of advertisement, there was a large turnout for the opening reception.

"A lot of people showed up interested in what the artists had to say. They asked the artists where they got their inspiration, and they asked for words of wisdom," Moreno said.

Moreno also expressed her deep appreciation for the event.

"I like it a lot. It is really representative of the people of Sonora and features highly recognized artists and teachers of the area," Moreno said.