Bar idea just part of early Union planning


In response to Eric William Matlack's letter ("Bar in Union dangerous move," Sept. 25), the Student Union Planning Team set out to present every available idea to improve the Student Union. The sale of alcohol was included among the many suggestions. This topic was discussed for less than an hour during the entire planning session of over five months.

The planning team met with various campus groups and discussed numerous possibilities for improvement of the Union, not just the alcohol option. The purpose of the planning team was to promote brainstorming and creativity to come up with a plan for a Union which would better serve the students at this university.

Mr. Matlock is being unjust when accusing the planning team of promoting illicit drinking, drunk driving and an increase in rapes on campus. The planning team is concerned with the well-being of the students and their safety, not just the profits or benefits which would result from the sale of alcohol in the Union.

The planning team's mission was to review the current system, look for new ideas and come up with a vision and mission statement. When looking for new ideas, it is necessary to review all of the options and not toss them aside. The team toured several California universities and found that they serve alcohol in their unions. If our Union were to sell alcohol, there definitely would be measures to help students and faculty, such as increased ride programs and increased campus security.

The planning team and those involved with the Student Union hope students will get involved in various committees and voice their concerns and desires for what they would like to see in the remodeled Union. If students are concerned or want to get involved, contact the Student Union or ASUA.

Gilbert Davidson

ASUA Senator and Student Union Planning Team Member

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