February 2, 1995

ASPIRE gets endorsement for funding incentive plan

Protest aimed at Rehnquist

Chemical odor forces students from building

Parking garage could be bad news for businesses

Delta Chi unfairly labeled

Women's center co-director speaks out

Article was discriminatory

Park Student Center restaurants disappointing

Police Beat

On Campus

Qi Gong meditation heightens senses and provides inner peace

A Wildcat arts reporter explores the pros and cons of joining campus clubs


'Good black comedy' curbs ills of this year's movies

Stone Roses' release may be 'most disappointing' ever

Low pop sells by word-of-mouth

'Living Juicy' a therapeutic composition

Punk Boy's true ideals unfold

Tonight's game to settle tie

Wildcats battle for qualifying spot

Line replenished

Baseball takes on tough BYU