May 3, 1995

Committee backs Journalism Dept.

Depts. denied due process

Committee to 'break ground' for New Campus

UA cracks down on meter-beating crime

Students must shed apathy

"Tolerance" letter-writer intolerant himself

Tucson needs more alcohol-free activities

Student recognizes hardworking faculty members

Who are the real reactionaries?

Remember Iran-Air Flight 566

Regents exploiting out-of-state students

Out-of-state student 'feels expendable'

University has misplaced financial priorities

Community service officers should be commended

Student's family pressed to cover recent tuition increase

Garrecht's good-bye

Police Beat


On Campus

Anti-depressant drug helps student cope with the blues


-A Pork Torta press release


People Who Do That do DPC Cafe

Art exhibit features folk, modern Hispanic works

'Convict's Return' does justice to vaudeville

Wildcats face USC after week of rest

Wildcats take hot bats to Oregon

'Circle' closes with thoughts on summer

Wildcats holding close third behind ASU, USC

Wildcats' winning years coincide with writer's career

Camp opportunity to enhance skills

Arizona to compete in NCAA Region 8