Claim responsibility before claiming life


I am writing in response to John Keisling's article "Right to life must start at conception" that appeared in the Wildcat on Feb. 7.

It took guts for him to write this article, and he has my admiration for doing it. I am in total agreement with Mr. Keisling's views. In my opinion this whole abortion thing is cut and dry. It should not be legal. I think that abortion is a tool that some people use to not take responsibility for their actions. If you become pregnant or impregnate someone, you both have the responsibility to deal with the situation in a mature, moral way, and abortion is neither mature or moral.

Unfortunately, in most cases when someone is impregnated, they are on their own with the baby. And obviously, that makes it even harder on them. We as a society have a responsibility to help people out that are put in that situation more frequently then we have. Just something as simple as being there to counsel this person or people can be a tremendous help.

Our Federal government hasn't been too much of a great help either though. The only time abortion seems to come up as an issue is an election year. It's very disappointing. And on top of that the government's laws aren't even straight. Can anyone explain to me how abortion is legal, and yet if someone is accused of murdering a pregnant woman, they can be charged with double murder? It just doesn't make sense.

In conclusion I feel that if we could help each other out with this whole issue of abortion, that this issue would by no means disappear, but not be so much of an issue. Our government isn't going to do it, so I feel we all have a responsibility to get out there and do it.

Eddie Grant
business economics and finance sophomore