This letter is written in response to the front page article in Feb. 21 Wildcat entitled "AGR finds dead calf in chimney." We feel it is necessary to give our positions on the unfortunate event that took place. We feel that the article puts our chapter's and the agricultural industry's reputations in a bad light.
First, we are strongly concerned about the nature of this crime. The crime brings shame upon whoever is responsible for it, and if they are caught we feel that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Second, we are the victims of this crime and not the perpetrators. We feel the article implies that our chapter condones this type of activity. We do not participate in or approve of crimes against animals. Animal agriculture is very important to this Nation and World. As the future leaders of the agricultural industry, we are committed to the prosperity of the agricultural industry and would never participate in anything that would dishonor its noble heritage.
Chadd Garcia and Aaron Farnsley