ASUA senator blasts


As a student, I was repulsed by the photograph in the paper last week of the Dragfest with a cross-dresser mounting another male. It was not because of the fact that it was two men - I would have been equally disturbed had it been a man and a woman. The school newspaper has been filled with enough pornography this year. It was plenty reading the periodical sex chat, including the infamous masturbation guide. Then positive press was given to an event that promoted casual sex including a wonderful shot of the wonderful walking condom. Now I get to see humping on stage in the cellar. I really hope that the Wildcat can show increased tact in the future. There are plenty of newsworthy events on campus to show photographs of and write articles about. Why must a continual focus be sex? As an ASUA senator, I am distressed to see just how students' money is being spent. I made the mistake of not researching adequately what programs such student "services" like BGALA put on, and this is my fault. I can not accurately guess the number of people that did not like the aforementioned photographs, with large numbers making a point to come express their displeasure to me. It really did not make them feel much better to discover that it was their money being spent on there programs. To them and anyone else who does not like their own money being spent on these monumental wastes, I apologize for ever voting yes on such frivolous uses of money. If I am given the chance, I will work to the best of my power to prevent this budgetary waste from happening again.

Andrew Higgins
ASUA Senator, political science junior