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Hey, it's an election year! Those who seek to be the arbiters of our future want your attention. Let us have a look at this collection of head honchos who struggle to intrigue a nation suffering from attention-deficit disorder. Bob "downright dull" Dole; Pat "barricade the borders" Buchanan; Steve "fat-cheeked, flat tax" Forbes; Lamar "let me tell you about lack of vision" Alexander; Phil "I'm gettin' out" Gramm; and remotely, Allan "doesn't have a key to the door" Keyes. Of course, we cannot forget Bill "catch me if you can" Clinton. The field of dreams that this cavalcade of career campaigners reminds me of is another fact about 1996 - it's a leap year! The race is on, and each candidate leaps over the salient issues as if they were hurdles in the upco ming Olympic games.
Tell me, how responsive have these so-called leaders been to the issues that affect your life? During all the mudslinging and partisan-bashing, I do not hear anyone speaking to the African American community. They leap over that fact that unemployment is disproportionately high in African American communities, and that fewer African Americans are going to college and more are going to jail. They leap over the fact that affirmative action is under siege, as though the issue of racial and gender discriminat ion is passe. Crime, drug addiction, inadequate housing, poor educational systems, deteriorating social services € all leaped over without regards to the consequences. Health care, welfare, child care - I think you know what I am about to say.
The mound of pink slips from corporate downsizing would appear to me too large to leap over, but the candidates have managed quite well, I must admit. The real test will come when the mounting pile of graduates begins to grow almost exponentially, all str uggling to find employment because the educational system inadequately prepared them for the technology-based global marketplace. Computer literacy, which should be a mainstay at every level of education, can only be a luxury at a limited number of school districts. Financially strapped administrators have enough on their hands with dilapidated facilities, antiquated materials and underpaid, overworked teachers and educators.
What about the care and comfort of an aging population? How can they leap over the wall that will be a bankrupt social security system and a prohibitively expensive health care system? Taxes and "getting government off of the backs of the people" are issu es that no one is reticent about. But they leap over the consequences of their campaign rhetoric. How will they shore up social security for the next generation, health care and welfare for the less fortunate, reduce the national debt, decrease our trade deficit, increase our worldwide market presence, ensure jobs and job training? They have leaped away from increasing funding for AIDS research and have figuratively leaped into bed and pulled the covers over their heads in regards to sex education. Conser vatives leaped to the conclusion that abortion is murder; liberals say that it is a matter of choice. We should never lose sight of those who will be affected first and foremost: the mothers and the children.
The issues are many, but those who meet them head-on are few. The cast of characters who seek your vote want you to know that they care and will run hard for you and yours. I am sure you believe them. Someone has to. But remember during this leap year th at your future, and the future of this so-called great nation, is in the hands of others who will run full-out, approaching each issue as though it were the last hurdle before the finish line, leaping over them with perfect form and a smile on their faces . The starter's pistol blasts, the crackled sound echoes among the empty stands, the stadium clear of spectators. No one is here to watch the race when the clear losers are the fans who paid to be here.
David H. Benton is a second-year law student and president of the Black Law Students Association.