I read with interest Adam Djurdjulov's column entitled "The hypocrite has right to sit," (March 21) regarding Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf's failure to stand for the American national anthem and face the flag. As a non-American I would like to make a few comments.
The crux of the matter seems to rest on what these symbols represent. When we pay respect to a flag or anthem, we pay respect to the set of ideals they represent and to which we aspire as individuals and as a nation. Of course, none of us are perfect, and our efforts often fall short of our aspirations. The perception of the gap between the ideal and the actual is entirely subjective. The "we" who strive towards the ideal will often consider it closer than those outside the "we" group. So a flag or anthem represents not just what we aspire to , but what we realize; not just who we would like to be, but who we are.
Mr. Djurdjulov alleges that Mr. Abdul-Rauf was guilty of hypocrisy in refusing to stand and honor the American flag and anthem, but grudgingly admits he has a right to sit if he chooses. Such magnanimity is admirable. Mr. Djurdjulov then proceeds to mention a number of indisputable American virtues, not least of them the opportunity given to Mr. Abdul-Rauf (and many others including myself) to earn a living in this country. However, his assertion that this country "grants endless freedoms" is a considerable overstatement, and an observation I will overlook in the spirit of magnanimity exampled by Mr. Djurdjulov. He judges that Mr. Abdul-Rauf's disrespect is merely a manifestation of his ignorance, and that the American flag is a "symbol of opportunity rather than oppression." But Mr. Djurdjulov may share in that ignorance if he fails to realize that, though many have prospered in this land of opportunity, there are those who have fallen into the trap of poverty and who consequently feel oppressed. If Mr. Abdul-Rauf has realized that, though there are many who aspire to his success, most will never attain it, and some will fall very far short of the mark, his acting upon this realization should not be dismissed so readily as hypocrisy.
Aidan Egan
mathematics post-doctoral research fellow