Forum may begin campus discussion


I want to thank Alpha Delta Pi sorority for inviting me to participate in the diversity forum the sorority sponsored and to congratulate Alpha Delta Pi not only for putting on such a forum, but the great turnout they were able to get. Heather Clewis and Nicolette Polydoros of Alpha Delta Pi did a great job of organizing the forum and deserve kudos. I enjoyed the forum immensely. The audience was comprised mostly of Greek members, but the fact that a good number of MEChA members and other nonGreeks attended and participated in the forum was excellent.

The presentations by the panelists were, in my opinion, informative and constructive. The questions, comments and suggestions by the audience at the end of the presentations were also constructive. I was impressed by the caliber of the students' comments and the commitment to maintaining a friendly campus climate and to trying to fix those areas that are problematic. That people felt comfortable enough to speak frankly without fear of recriminations was refreshing and speaks to Heather's and Nicolette's leadership. They set the tone for the forum, and people responded. That most of the audience remained and the discussion was going strong at 9 p.m., three hours after the start of the forum, speaks to the constructive and engaging nature of the event.

While we did not solve all the problems of the world at the forum, I believe people left with good things to think about and ideas that they can discuss with their peers. More of this dialogue and interaction should occur on a regular basis. Alpha Delta Pi may have started something that others can pick up on. Let's hope so.

Salom—n R. Baldenegro
assistant dean Chicano/Hispano Student Affairs