By Trigie Ealey
Arizona Daily Wildcat
June 5, 1996
FLAGSTAFF - In other action, the Arizona Board of Regents:
- Approved by a vote of 7-2 the curriculum for the Arizona International Campus of the University of Arizona, while capping the enrollment at 5,000 students pending a review in three years. Regents Judy Gignac and Rudy Campbell voted against the proposal. The campus will initially offer six liberal arts degrees including fine and performing arts, humanities, language and culture, liberal studies, natural sciences and mathematics, and social studies.
- Approved the recommendations of the Commission of the Status of Women. The commission pared down their recommendations from 38 to 12 goals and objectives within three "critical needs" areas: campus climate, career and professional development and compens ation equity. Among the recommendations: an environment for students and employees that is free of discrimination, harassment, retaliation and violence; day care services available to employees; compensation equity among all employees; allocation of funds for career development and performance evaluations for all supervisors.
- Approved the UA's purchase of a house at 1834 E. Mabel St. by a vote of 4-3. The board approved the purchase with Board of Regents President Eddie Basha casting the deciding vote. Regents Mark Davis, John Munger and Donald Ulrich voted against the purcha se.
- Refused to approve the purchase of a building at 1134 E. Sixth St. The building was offered for sale to the UA by owner Charles H. Golloher. Currently occupied by the Marathon Gyros Restaurant and Lounge, the building had a purchase price and appraised v alue of $66,000. Basha cast the deciding vote. Davis, Munger and Ulrich also voted against the purchase.
- Approved on its consent calendar a $13 million contract with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to form a Conformal Optics Technology Consortium to develop optical elements in aircraft and missile systems. The contract includes a $2.75 million subcontract with Hughes Missile Systems and $5.64 million for Hughes Electro-Optical Systems. The project director is UA Optical Sciences Center Professor Robert Shannon.
- Unanimously approved a nearly 10 percent increase in funding for the Arizona Students Association. The ASA 1996-97 budget of $127,600 is an increase of $11,508, or 9.9 percent, over the 1995-96 budget. The request includes a $1,000 moving expense to allow the ASA central office to relocate within the same complex in Tempe. The ASA office will move to a 900-square-foot office from a 400-square-foot office. The rent will double from $5,000 to $10,000 a year. Also, the new executive director of ASA, Christi ne Thompson, was introduced to the board. Thompson is a 1996 graduate of the UA.