By Melanie Klein
Arizona Summer Wildcat
June 26, 1996
Actress Lynn Redgrave was on hand yesterday at the Laboratory Theatre, coaching drama students about the fine details of performing for an audience.Redgrave worked with five students individually on Shakespearean scenes of their choice before a crowd of about 160 observers.
"Take the weight off the lines, and the lines will find their way," Redgrave said as she directed the students on how to create an atmosphere for their dialogues.
"It was a great honor to work with her. She was extremely helpful, " said Krista Hansen, a second year drama graduate student. "The suggestions she gave me were completely different from the previous ones I have gotten from other instructors."
She asked the students what the temperature was in their scene and how they could create props that would contribute to their lines.
"Fill in all the gaps as an actor, and there is no limit to how far an actor can go," said Redgrave.
Redgrave is in town performing her one-woman show, Shakespeare For My Father , at the Temple Theatre today through Sunday.
For more information contact the Arizona Theatre Company at 622-2823.