Department head addresses arsonist

Open letter to the arsonist of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building:

There are two possibilities, you are sane or you are insane. There are two more possibilities, you will read this or you will not. For your sake especially, I am hoping you are sane and will read this. If you are insane, may God pity you and give those o f us who are sane the patience and understanding required to help you.

So deliberate and calculated was your wanton act of destruction, however, that I personally believe you are sane. I believe you chose to break all connections with your ethics and morality, your professionalism and your humanity. I believe you are sane, but that you are also disturbed. Disturbed enough to set fire to a building occupied by fellow human beings whose lives you put at risk to satisfy some incomprehensible need of your own. If you are sane, you are definitely disturbed and should seek help.

Sane or not, you are wrong in what you did and you know it. You know it because you set the fire covertly. From the beginning you knew you were wrong and you continue to be wrong even now.

You were wrong to believe that you could break the will or bend the convictions of a body of people educated to pursue truth in all matters irrespective of difficulties and, sometimes, pain. You were wrong to forget that the faculty, staff and students o f the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department would look past the temporary destruction and confusion you wrought among us, to emerge whole and stronger as the result of your offense. You were wrong to underestimate our ability, with the support o f many students, faculty and staff throughout the entire university, to formulate a coherent reponse to your irresponsible and potentially deadly action. You were wrong to overlook the vitality of the people at the University of Arizona, who are determine d to move forward with the pursuit of truth regardless of adversity. You were wrong to sacrifice your ethics, professionalism and humanity only to strengthen ours and a reaffirmation of our commitment to fight for the right to dignity of every human being .

If you are sane seek help, before you destroy the precious life of a fellow human being.

Joseph A.C. Humphrey
department of aerospace and mechanical engineering professor and head