Thought of student government 'split' hinders real duties

During last Thursday's regular biweekly Graduate and Professional Student Council meeting, an interesting thing happened that seems normal, but may not have been.

The GPSC voted to hold an executive session, meaning that all press members and visitors must leave the room.

This is normal for many governing bodies, though they may only talk about employment, legal and property issues, according to state of Arizona statutes.

But it is a curious move because of the ongoing fight made by the GPSC to become a separate entity, far away from the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (the undergraduate governing body).

The "split" is still in the negotiations stages, which means that those differences must be sidelined so that a budget can be passed.

But that didn't happen.

With the budget on the table, which was the third revision of the original plan, the GPSC decided not to take action on it, meaning that another three weeks are allowed for a decision.

Since ASUA president Ben Driggs is bent on subtracting $5,000 from ASUA's $20,000 Professional Opportunity fund, it seems that ASUA has a grip on GPSC, which represents the students directly affected by the fund.

Could this be why GPSC called for executive session?

The session could be used as the GPSC's balance of power, a way to talk about issues without having members of ASUA present.

Can student government function effectively with one body not content about its own situation?

This question should be taken seriously, because if the two bodies are in such a predicament, can they focus on the needs of the students?

It is a positive sign that the UA administration has stepped in to impose a deadline on negotiations. Hopefully, it will bring both parties to the table and produce a reasonable end for everyone.

If not, then the battles will continue throughout this year and into the next, which would lessen the attention on the students.

Staff Editorial