By Jon Roig
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 14, 1996
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The web is exploding at an incredible rate - by some accounts, the number of pages doubles every 30 days. Literally anyone and everyone can set up a web page with a minimum amount of effort. You can slap some pretentious label on the sites and bemoan "the death of publishing" or whatever, but for you and me, connoisseurs of the finest cheeze, that means more rock and less talk. I've compiled a list of some of the more interesting things I've found while
surfing the net.
- The Museum of Non-Primate Art is located at The site contains a ton of really weird images that you can print out and use to test your cat's creativity. My cat fetches things, so I figure she's pretty smart ... but she just looked at me like I was insane when I tried to show her the pictures. She could have a point.
- The Hutt River Province Principality. This small, Australian breakaway country takes the Universal Life Church tradition to the illogical extreme - instead of offering you a minister's license, this independent sovereign state will sell you passports, Knighthoods, and citizenships. I'm not sure how much it costs, because I haven't yet heard from the State Department if dual citzenship will ruin my chances at becoming a foreign ambassador to some small country located near the equator, but you can check it out for yourself at Oh, and while you're there, tell their leader, Prince Leonard, that I dug the free book they sent me.
- Mirsky's Worst of the Web, at compiles the absolute strangest and most tragically misguided sites out there on the web. Updated almost daily, Mirsky has made it his duty and mission to bring the cheeze home. Most of the focus is on odd conspiracy sites (and there are a TON of these out there), online marriage announcements, companies with really strange products, and assorted random freaks that have placed some very odd images online. You really need a graphic browser to experience the full pleasure of this site ... but it's worth checking out through lynx if that's all you've got.
- Hell - The On-line Guide to Satanism. Those darn devil worshippers are at it again and can be found at This site not only contains a wealth of information on The Evil One, but also has a rich variety of links to other Satanist related resources.
- Vanilla Ice has an unofficial homepage at It's hard to tell if this guy is kidding, but the picture archive is amazingly comprehensive. And, if that doesn't have what you're looking for, I bet the site at does.
- Speed Seduction. Learn how to hypnotize and seduce the women of your choice with the master, Ross Jeffries, professional mack, lecturer, author of the classic "How To Get The Women You Desire Into Bed," and creator of the site at I tried to interview this guy once and made the mistake of calling him sometime in the early afternoon. Ross picked up the phone, moaning. Now if it'd been any other snake-oil salesman, I would assume that he'd been up drinking all night and wasn't capable of conducting an interview. But since it was Ross, my theory is that I interrupted some field research for his next book. He may be a flake € I never got the free book on disk I signed up for, but I'll vouch for the power of techniques. Since I joined the official mailing list, I've been beating the chicks off with a stick.
- The Infamous Exploding Whale. Legendary among computer geeks everywhere, somebody digitized TV news footage of Oregon highway workers dynamiting a beached whale carcass ... with very disturbing results. Unbelievable.