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By Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 28, 1997

U of A - Today

  • Career Services offers a free workshop on interviewing skills from 11 a.m. until noon in the Memorial Student Union in the Catalina Room. Students are required to check in at the Career Services reception desk in the lower level of Old Main.

    The workshop helps participants answer interview questions in a one-on-one and panel settings. It will also cover what to do and what not to do in a job interview.

  • The Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium presents "The Comets are Coming," an exploration into the nature and origin of comets at 7:30 p.m. The laser light show "Psychedelic Hog: features music from the '60s and '70s at 8:30 p.m., "Lollapalaser II" features music from bands of the last five Lollapalooza tours at 9:30 p.m., "Metallica" at 10:45 p.m. and "Pink Floyd's Darkside of the Moon" at 8:30 p.m. For ticket prices call 621-STAR.

  • The UA Softball team plays Kent State University at 1 p.m. and DePaul University 3 p.m. at Lincoln Park.

  • The Committee on Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Studies presents Michelle Parkerson and Ada Gay Griffin to present "A Litany for Survival: the Life and Work of Audre Lorde" in the Modern Languages Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

  • The Department of Physics presents Andreas Berger, of the University of California at San Diego, to speak on "Ferromagnetism in Ultrathin Films," in the Physics and Atmospheric Science Room 201 at 3:30. Refreshments are served at 3 p.m. in room 218.

  • The Pre-Law Club is holding a mock trial at 6 p.m. in the Law Building Room 146.

  • Sunday the Campus Christian Center Fine Arts Committee presents Sherri Stoner to perform a collection of Broadway songs at the Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave., at 4 p.m.

Fact of the Day

In a survey of 6,159 college students enrolled at 32 institutions in the United States found that 54 percent of women surveyed had been a victim of some form of sexual abuse. More than one in four of those women had been the victim of rape or an attempted rape.

Source the 1997 Almanac page 430.

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