





Column exhibits disregard for Ariz. voters' choices


Kristen Roberts' article "Arizona must reconsider faulty drug initiative (Thursday)" demonstrates the scare tactics used and misguided notions about the marijuana issue.

I'd just like to comment on a few things she discusses.

First, she writes, "We must encourage our state officials to thwart [Proposition 200] this altruistic but misguided attempt at compassion and act for the genuine welfare of the majority of our citizens."

Wait a minute, proposition 200 passed, with higher than 70 percent of the vote I might add. It would seem that the majority she claims to protect don't want her help. That's the way things work in this country. It is even scarier that she wants to encourage officials to disregard the people. We might as well make this a monarchy and crown her queen since she knows what is best for us anyway.

Throughout her article she calls marijuana deadly and addictive. Marijuana is NOT chemically addictive. Their are no withdrawal symptoms if someone stops usage. Marijuana is addictive only in the sense that Twinkies are addictive. As to the deadliness of marijuana, I would love to see some statistics on the number of purely marijuana overdoses yearly. I'll help her - none.

If she is so worried about the bad effects of marijuana then I have a solution, don't smoke it. It is that simple. The problem is that she, and others with similar views, don't want to give people a choice. This country is supposed to be about personal freedom. Why should she, or anyone, be able to tell me what to do with MY body? Rat poison is bad for you, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal. If someone wants to eat some, go for it, it's your body and your choice.

Lastly, she declares, "The visible waste of human intelligence, talent, and personality is truly sickening." That's a nice blanket statement. There are many artist and musicians who use marijuana. She has no idea what people do in their own homes. Believe me, there are people a lot smarter than her that use marijuana recreationally. Even Bill Clinton has admitted to using it - all right I'll give her that one.

By Michael L. Hurtik (letter)
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 1, 1997

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