





pacing the void

Misspelling can have serious effects


I can't agree more with the letter by Lisa Wootton that appeared in the Wednesday Wildcat (Wildcat needs to be more aware of the effects of misspelling). This newspaper does indeed need to be more aware of the hideous and potentially lethal effects of misspellings. Unfortunately, I am all too well acquainted with the horrors that can befall the victim of such misspellings. Last summer my best friend died after chugging a frosty mug of muriatic acid which was clearly labeled "Iced Tea." Well, I guess it wasn't a misspelling so much as a mislabeling, but you can see how potentially dangerous improper spelling might be. So thank you, Lisa, for bringing up an issue that the entire university community needs to beware of. And, by the way, I think your last name is spelled "Wooten," not "Wootton."

By Sam Partain (letter)
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 22, 1997

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