By Tory Hernandez Arizona Daily Wildcat April 28, 1997 Coors CEO garners top award from UA College of BusinessStudents in the College of Business and Public Administration rubbed elbows with an elite group of businessmen from around the country Friday at a luncheon honoring the UA's Executive of the Year."This has been a great place to network and see business students come together to get direction, motivation and advice," said Fred Cox, an entrepreneurship senior. Cox was one of about 350 students and business executives at the Westin La Paloma for the presentation of the annual award, sponsored by area businesses and the National Board of Advisers for the University of Arizona business college. This year, the award went to Peter Coors, chief executive officer and vice chairman of Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colo. Reading a proclamation written by UA President Manuel Pacheco, Samuel Eichenfield, chairman of the National Board of Advisers, said Coors was given the award because of his achievements in corporate and civic affairs, employer relations and strong interest in the leadership of young people. In accepting the award, Coors spoke about his family's history in the brewing business and struggles they had to endure in different eras of American history, including prohibition. Coors directed his speech to students as he explained the importance of family. "It's on the shoulders of family members and others that you get to the top," he said. "Don't forget those that give you a lift as you go through life." The award, which was started in 1983, is presented each year by the 100-member board, said Diana Hunter, director of publications for the College of Business and Public Administration. Past Executive of the Year honorees include Ted Turner, president of Turner Broadcasting, Michael Quinlan, chairman and CEO of McDonald's Corp., and Richard Rosenberg, chairman of the board of BankAmerica Corp. During and after the luncheon, students were able to speak with Coors briefly. "I was really impressed with the enthusiasm of these students," Coors said. "They definitely have a real sense of pride in the university." For his award, Coors received a sculpture entitled "The Mailbox" by artist Dan Bates of Venture Galleries.