'Minorities' should just stop whining


This is my first year at the UA, and already I'm disturbed by the severe amount of reverse racism inherent in the community here. I was first discouraged by countless encounters with affirmative action that made it very difficult for me to get any assistance.

Now I see that your papers are plagued with headlines and letters involving people flat-out whining that their ethnic group doesn't receive "enough help." I pose the question: "How much is enough?" I, too, would like to whine on behalf of all of the whites like me out there who have been rear-ended by racist programs. I'm Scottish. Never have I once seen on this campus a "Scottish Resource Center," nor a Scottish heritage group, nor a "Scottish-descendants" scholarship. I realize that affirmative action is in response to issues like slavery, etc. However, my family came to this country after it took place, so why must I continue to bear the burden of a legacy I don't hold?

My advice to my fellow students is: STOP WHINING! At least you have programs like these to protect you; what more could you ask for? The simple facts of the Constitution are that everyone should be granted the same rights and given the same opportunities. That is simply not happening. Since "minorities" have many more rights and opportunities than I, please don't insult me any more by forsaking them.

Jeff McCuen
history freshman