Student regent reaches out online

By Trigie Ealey
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 23, 1996

The Arizona Board of Regents student regent Web site went online for the first time last week.

Student Regent Jonathan Schmitt, a University of Arizona agriculture and resource management senior, said the site is important to him because it allows him to reach students at UA, Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University all at once.

"This gives students a chance to participate," Schmitt said. "I really want to invite students to take part."

Students will be able to tap into a calendar of dates and locations of upcoming board meetings, issues to be addressed at the meetings and his view on the issues, Schmitt said.

Students will also be able to send electronic mail to Schmitt regarding the issues.

Schmitt said he receives a meeting agenda 10 days prior to a meeting. He said he would get the information online as soon as possible after that.

"After the meetings, I will review the issues again and explain the reasons for votes," Schmitt said.

The site will also feature links to the other universities' home pages, Arizona Students' Association and the history of the student regent position.

It appears that the other regents, however, do not have plans to create their own Web sites.

Regent Judy Gignac said she thought the board's home page was sufficient to inform people.

"Our meetings are open to the public, and our minutes are available to people," Gignac said. "If anyone wants to know how I vote, they can call me and ask me."

She said she would "doubt seriously" that other regents would have their own Web pages.

Schmitt's Web site can be found at The Arizona Board of Regents Web site is at