Nazi salute was an unprofessional ploy


I cannot believe that Jackie Casey, president of the Libertarian Club, has the audacity to condemn the behavior of the Young Democrats ("'Wildcat' article sensationalized debate, ignored accomplishments," Sept. 23).

The tension Ms. Casey refers to during the debate was due mainly to her party's actions. First of all, she changed the debate topic without contacting us prior to the debate. We showed up, fully prepared to debate higher education policies, only to find out that we were expected to debate public vs. private education.

Secondly, they relied on cheap tactics, taking quotes out of context in an attempt to compare the Democratic platform and ideals to those held by the Nazis. Instead of backing up their position with viable, current research, they relied on this amateur ploy to shoot holes in our position. Even worse was Ms. Casey's gall to flash the Nazi salute as a way to "liven up the debate" after I disclosed my Jewish heritage and my objection to the comparison to the Nazis. Ms. Casey's use of an international symbol of hate and prejudice not only offended me, but others, both Jewish and non-Jewish, present in the audience. This sensationalist ploy was an obvious addition to the already rising tension in the debate.

After being subjected to this cheap, sensational, prejudicial, and back-stabbing ploy, it is any wonder why we left the debate. Furthermore, this behavior is a sure-fire way to ensure that we will not be participating in any future Libertarian-sponsored debates.

Julie Lewis
president, Young Democrats