This letter is in response to George C. Hall's Sept. 27 letter "Marching band's performance will take it nowhere but 'Toilet Bowl'."
In this letter, Mr. Hall shares with us the horrifying experience he had at the Illinois football game. There he saw an (and I quote) "absolute abomination and an insult to every UA marching band alumnus." Furthermore, Mr. Hall wonders why the band did not form an " 'A' as in ARIZONA!" In addition, as if we didn't get the message, this Class of 1972 band alumnus adds that this band will only get as far as the "Toilet Bowl." Well Mr. Hall, all I have to say is...HOW DARE YOU!
The Pride of Arizona Marching Band is on the cutting edge of marching band performance. We strive to provide our audiences with shows of various styles of music and drill. We believe that art is created not only by the music of John P. Sousa, but by that of the Beatles and the Red Hot Chili Peppers as well. I can fully understand Mr. Hall's loyalty to his 1972 marching band, but really, we are not in the '70s anymore. The year is 1996, Mr. Hall. Football audiences of today are looking for entertainment. If the marching band does not grab their attention, they will quickly escape to the concession stand for that halftime hot dog and soda. Frankly, straight lines and pompous marches are not going to hack it for this generation.
Also, as far as the " 'A' for ARIZONA," issue is concerned, you can just put your foot in your mouth...I guess you missed our pre-game show. Never, NEVER AGAIN take something that 246 people put their heart into and say it belongs in a toilet bowl. As far as I am concerned, your attitude is the only thing that belongs there.
John W. Kras
musical theater sophomore
trumpet section leader, Pride of Arizona
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