
The UA was filled with walkers and talkers yesterday. Here are some overheard quotables from around campus along with some specially brewed commentary.

"There were people there that I'd never seen before."

Yes, that usually happens on the first day of class.

"He only had like 30 credits after three years."

It's the age of fifth and six year seniors. College life is good.

"I just want to tell you that this is an upper-division class, and if you don't have any previous experience, then you may have troubles in this class."

Scare tactics, perhaps?

"There are a lot of guys that got accepted with 3.3's that didn't even do that well on the MCAT."

Life isn't fair, especially life in medical school admissions offices.

"What if I need this class to graduate?" a student asks. Professor's answer: "We can't guarantee anything."

In other words, don't buy the books, because your chances of getting in are minuscule. Look for another class or perish.

"Plenty of room here."

Surely, this was most altruistic overheard comment of the day. A lady sitting alone in the Cafe Sonora Lounge offered a seat to a student who could barely speak English. That lady was wearing a T-shirt that said "Do Something" on the back. She's doing something. Thanks.

"Yeah, I'm dressed up today."

Dressed up for this guy entailed green Umbros, a torn, white tank top and flip-flops. Embrace this campus' relaxed atmosphere, and be proud of your Birkenstocks.

"I'm not really the party type."

Yeah, right.

"I'll see ya later."

The most overheard campus goodbye.

Staff Reports