Students educate by example

By D. Shayne Christie
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 9, 1996

Nicholas Valenzuela
Arizona Daily Wildcat

Shawn Radziminski, Education by Example chairwoman, speaks with Nydia Castro, journalism sophomore, on the Mall yesterday about recycling. This was the group's first-ever paper drive and first activity this year.


Education by Example took to the UA Mall yesterday to educate the community on recycling issues and to perform its first-ever paper drive.

The paper drive was the group's first activity this year, said Shawn Radziminski, planning graduate student and Education by Example chairwoman.

Education by Example is part of the University Activities Board. Groups like Off Campus Cats and KAMP student radio are also part of the board.

"There are very simple ways to reduce the amount of waste," said Steve Nelson, undeclared freshman and member of Education by Example.

Alden Robinowitz, undeclared sophomore, said purchasing a "recycler" mug is one of the easiest ways to reduce waste.

The group sold the mugs yesterday for a discounted price of $2.

Radziminski said the drive was more a symbolic gesture to generate awareness than an actual paper drive.

"We want to make a spectacle of the recycling effort," Nelson said of the drive. "We want people to be aware that everything they do makes a difference."

By noon, about a dozen interested students had approached the booth, but Radziminski said the overall turnout was low.

Radziminski said advertising for the event ran into problems and this first effort will give the group an idea how they might improve the next event.

She said Education by Example may do another paper drive that is more of a "door-to-door" collection in the residence halls.

The group also is planning a midnight movie where admission will be paid in recyclable materials, Nelson said.

Michael Newman, sound design freshman, was one student who expressed interest in the drive.

Newman said he and his roommate collect recyclables in their residence hall, Cochise, but do not know where to take the items. He said he plans to attend the next Education By Example meeting and is interested in campus recycling.

"As far as I know they don't have much going," said Newman of recycling on campus.

Nelson said, "If one more person is aware by the end of the day we are happy."