Blue shirts, cowboy boots don't make a president


So, according to Jill Dellamalva ("Dole's age prevents close ties with mainstream America," Oct. 18), these are the reasons why President Clinton deserves to be re-elected:

1) Clinton has a better image. That is, he is more telegenic.

2) Clinton is folksy; he wears cowboy boots and a blue sport shirt.

3) Dole's hands were visibly shaking during the debates - possibly due to the fact that he is a disabled war veteran.

4) Dole is a hunchback.

5) Dole looked ridiculous running on a treadmill in his boxer shorts (perhaps he should have worn cowboy boots and a blue sport shirt instead).

6) The frightening prospect that Jack Kemp might become president.

7) Dole's revolutionary ideas - a 15 percent across-the-board tax cut, school choice and litigation reform - are not really examples of a "fresh vision."

Great reasons Jill. However, you would have been more convincing if you had simply condensed your column into one sentence, "Vote for Bill Clinton because he is younger than Bob Dole."

Karl R. Sieglaff
senior majoring in English