Examine Clinton's record closely before voting


In these times of coming elections, it is necessary to provide the public with a true presentation of vision and character. For in these times, one may not find it particularly easy to choose the right candidate for president. That is why I feel it a necessity to outline the achievements, not only of the administration, but of the man we know as William J. Clinton.

Clinton is tough on drugs. Cocaine and marijuana use in the United States has more than doubled since 1992. Do not misunderstand me. This did not occur because he had once used drugs himself or because he admitted to doing it again if he had the chance, but because his drug policy is weak.

Clinton has a strong foreign policy. His policy in dealing with Iraq has not only been ineffectual but a disgrace to the role of the United States as a country of strength and power. He took it upon himself to send and station troops in Kuwait, when Kuwait had yet to be informed of his decision to do so, much less authorize it. American troops are still deployed in Bosnia despite his promise to get them out within a specified time period.

Clinton has improved our economy. Many do not know that the economy was improving before Clinton assumed his presidency, yet he was quick to take credit for the occurrence. He has "improved" our economy by raising taxes to a point that hardworking citizens have been forced to get multiple jobs to make ends meet. It now takes two family members to earn enough for what one had to do a few years ago. It is also good to know that a large portion of every dollar we make goes directly to the government instead of into our pockets.

Clinton has a strong character. While some may not have the tenacity to talk about this issue, I feel it is very important. Some will even look over the fact thinking it has no bearing on an election whatsoever. This could not be further from the truth. The character of a president is the only way in which you can measure or think to predict the actions he may take. Without a trust in this aspect, one can not truly know the leader of one.

Clinton is cool looking. Yes he is.

It is a sad fact that many choose their presidential candidate without knowing all the facts. I encourage everyone to get informed, not only on the issues of who you like but also for the opponent. You might find there is a better alternative. To those who do believe in Clinton's policy and actions, I can say that I am sure you came to your conclusion through reasonable deliberation on the issue.

You were not the type of person who took your friend's word for it. You did not make your choice based upon the misconceptions that may exist for alternate parties but rather learned and researched policy that correspond to your beliefs. This is the correct way of choosing the next president of the United States. For we must remember, the product of our time is our children, and the product of our children is the future.

Marco A. Rascon
electrical engineering sophomore