At 7:01 p.m. Tucson time, Dan Rather reported that Bill Clinton was re-elected president. At 8 p.m., the polls in California closed. At 9:30 p.m., Bob Dole conceded. The election's over, and here's what people were saying.
"It's ridiculous. They announce the winner and the polls haven't even closed in California yet."
One student's reaction to media calling the presidential winner before all the polls have closed. After Dan Rather announced Clinton had won on KOLD-TV Channel 13, Tucson's CBS affiliate, he urged voters in the West still to go out and vote. We hope this wasn't really necessary. There's no reason an early announcement of who is likely to win the presidency should keep people from voting. After all, there's more than one race on the ballot, and your vote still counts even if it comes in after CBS's predictions.
"Character does count. Character does count. Character does count."
Thanks Mr. Dole for commenting on your hopes and dreams for what matters in an election. But a politician's stance on issues makes a difference too. Voters must not have liked your brilliant idea to eliminate the Department of Education because you lost,you lost, you lost.
"They were practicing the Macarena."
This was from a media report of what Clinton aides were doing on Air Force One. Their activities were in blatant disregard the captain's continuous requests to, "Please remain seated with your seat belt fastened."
"It is so difficult to research marijuana legalization. Half of the people for it are on it."
A message for Clinton from a UA student. Mr. President, you no longer have to worry about re-election or remarks like this. Grab a joint and a Big Mac. Inhale, inhale, inhale.
"Take a little break, and then we'll climb back into the ring."
Ross Perot's crusade for the presidency failed once again, and he assured everyone that he'll be back. He's not a bad speaker, and the twang is kinda cute. But Ross, be realistic. It's gonna take billions.
"My life is filled with so many small but delightful events."
This has nothing to do with politics, but this guy was just plain happy. Wonder who he voted for?
"I am still the most optimistic man in America."
Sarcasm aside, Bob Dole fought a good fight and took defeat in stride. In his concession speech, he said Clinton was not his enemy, but his opponent. He said it with dignity.
"Just four years from now, we will enter a new century of great challenge and unlimited possibility. Now, we've got a bridge to build, and I'm ready if you are."
Congratulations, Mr. President.
Editoral Staff
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