At 7:01 p.m. Tucson time, Dan Rather reported that Bill Clinton was re-elected president. At 8 p.m., the polls in California closed. At 9:30 p.m., Bob Dole conceded. The election's over, and here's what people were saying.

"It's ridiculous. They announce the winner and the polls haven't even closed in California yet."

"Character does count. Character does count. Character does count."

"They were practicing the Macarena."

"It is so difficult to research marijuana legalization. Half of the people for it are on it."

"Take a little break, and then we'll climb back into the ring."

"My life is filled with so many small but delightful events."

"I am still the most optimistic man in America."

"Just four years from now, we will enter a new century of great challenge and unlimited possibility. Now, we've got a bridge to build, and I'm ready if you are."

Editoral Staff