By Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 13, 1996
- The Center for Computing and Information Technology offers a free workshop on how to use Pine e-mail in the CCIT building Room 311 from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
The workshop will show participants how to access and utilize Pine e-mail from computer systems inside and outside the UA. Topics include sending, replying, and creating folders to organize e-mail messages. An account on the UA e-mail system is required prior to the class.
CCIT also offers a workshop on listervs in the Science and Engineering Library Room 311 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.
The workshop includes how to identify listserv discussion lists, subscribe to the list of your choice and send and reply to messages on the list. A UA e-mail account is required to participate in the workshop.
- Education By Example holds a recycling fair on the UA Mall from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The recycling fair will discuss how the recycling process works and what kinds of things can be recycled.
- The psychology department presents Dr. Victor Shamas, of the UA, and his wife Dr. Patricia Hursh discussing "The Three Secrets to Being in Love, " a multimedia presentation in Psychology Room 107 at 7 p.m.
Dr. Hursh and Dr. Shamas have spent the last two years developing and implementing a new system that focuses on bringing inspiration into relationships. The system is designed for singles who are searching for the right relations as well as couples who wish to reawaken lost feelings.
- The University of Arizona Poetry Center Fall Reading Series presents David Rivard, a 1982 graduate of the UA, reading from his latest book Wise Poison in the Modern Languages Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Rivard is a member of the faculty at Tufts University in Boston and is the editor of the Harvard Review.
- The Memorial Student Union's Gallagher Theatre shows "Trainspotting" at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission is $2.50.
Fact of the Day
New Hampshire is the only state in the country to allow a female at the age of 13 to marry with parental and/or judicial permission. Males in New Hampshire can marry at age 14 with parental and/or judicial permission.
Also Alabama, New York, Texas and Utah are the only states to allow males as well as females to marry at 14 under the same stipulations.
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts