This is concerning a story printed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat this past week ("Post office near campus to remain open until January," Nov. 18). This story contained information on the status of the College Station post office at 913 E. University Blvd. The story stated that College Station would be closing in January. This is not the case.
College Station is NOT in danger of closing. In fact, the United States Postal Service has recently signed a lease with the Marshall Foundation. What is happening is that the contract station, College Station, is up for bid, and will receive a new contrac tor in January. This only means that management will be changing.
As employees of College Station, we have received much concerned comment regarding your incorrect announcement of the closure of College Station. Since College Station is not closing, we feel that the public should be informed of the truth.
Amanda R. Kelley
history juniorAaron M. Petersen
first-year medical student