Clinton's presidency filled with negative behavior


I really appreciated the fine work of journalism by Amy Schweigert in her Aug. 28 article, "Arizona may elect first Democrat since 1948." The lack of finding a Republican source to balance out the article is inexcusable in itself, but even most Democrats would find the statements attributed to Professor Rusk ridiculous.

"'Clinton is popular among Arizonans because everything has gone well with his presidency; he has passed a lot of legislation such as NAFTA and AmericaCore, and jobs have been created, Rusk said.'"

First, a president does not pass legislation. He signs into law legislation passed by Congress. Second, what about Whitewater; filegate; the travel office scandal; Vince Foster; and the resignation, investigation, and indictment of numerous Cabinet and Wh ite House staff members?

Everything has gone well with the Clinton presidency? While Republicans certainly would not agree, Democrats have their own problems with Clinton's actions and positions with welfare, gays in the military, and his willingness to sign the Defense of Marria ge Act, just to name a few.

Finally, Bob Dole recently turned 73, not the 76 as stated in the article. Is that just another example of poor reporting (the article was about the age of the candidates) or was that just another partisan attempt to make Bob Dole look even older than he really is?

Daniel S. Jurkowitz

third-year law student