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Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat April 24, 1998
Today on Campus
Habla español? Hable con Alvaro A. Ayo a las 9 en la mañana.
Ayo will discuss "Intersecciones en el siglo XX. La narrativa de
Ramon Perez de Ayala" in Room 535 of the Modern Languages building.
- The Office of African American Student Affairs is hosting an informal
discussion today with Munson W. Steed, an African American millionaire
entrepreneur. This could be your key to making big bucks, so don't miss
the talk from 4 to 5 p.m. in Room 209 of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Student Center.
This event is co-sponsored by the Tucson Black Chamber of Commerce.
- Kurt Norman Constenius will discuss "Extensional Tectonics
of the Cordilleran Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt and the Jurassic-Cretaceous
Great Valley Forearc Basin." Expand your knowledge in the geosciences
field today at 9 a.m. in the Gould-Simpson Building, Room 213.
- The M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi, School of Islamic Sufism, invites you to
the Sufi Consciousness Symposium Sunday. Professors will be available
to discuss this topic with you from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Tucson Room of the
Memorial Student Union. Mark your calendars now for this Sunday evening
--compiled by Kate Longworth
