Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat May 13, 1998
Graduation schedules
College of Agriculture
Saturday, 9-10:30 a.m., Centennial Hall. Reception prior to commencement.
Refreshments and awards.
College of Architecture
Saturday, noon-2 p.m., Gallagher Theatre. Reception for the programs
of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture prior to convocation.
College of Business and Public Administration
Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Bear Down Gym. Awards and convocation ceremony.
Reception afterward for graduates and guests.
College of Education
Friday, 10 a.m., Gallagher Theatre. Pre-Commencement Hooding Ceremony
for graduate students. Students will assemble in the College of Education
at 9:30 a.m.and proceed to the theatre. Reception will be held after the
Friday, 1 p.m., College of Education Kiva Auditorium. Pre-Commencement
Ceremony and reception for secondary and special education and rehabilitation
undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students.
Friday, 3 p.m., College of Education Kiva Auditorium. Pre-Commencement
Ceremony and reception for elementary undergraduate and post-baccalaureate
College of Engineering and Mines
Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Friday, 7 p.m., Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Auditorium S202.
RSVP 621-2311
Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
Friday, 7 p.m., Memorial Student Union Tucson Room. RSVP 621-1753.
Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Friday, 3:30-5 p.m., Marriott University Park Hotel Madera Room, 880
E. Second St. RSVP 621-6044.
Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
TBA. Call 621-2266.
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Friday, 4-6 p.m., Marriott University Park Hotel, 880 E. Second St. RSVP
Engineering Mathematics
Friday, 4-5 p.m., Mathematics Room 401N. RSVP 621-2056.
Engineering Physics
Friday, 2-4 p.m., Physics and Atmospheric Sciences Room 218. RSVP 621-4969.
Hydrology & Water Resources
Friday, 3:30-5 p.m., Memorial Student Union Rincon Room. RSVP 621-5082.
Materials Science & Engineering
Friday, 5-8 p.m., Memorial Student Union Senior Ballroom. RSVP 621-6070.
Mining & Geological Engineering
TBA. RSVP 621-2147.
Nuclear Engineering Program
Friday, 7 p.m., Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Auditorium S202.
RSVP 621-2311.
Systems & Industrial Engineering
TBA. RSVP 621-6551.
College of Fine Arts
Friday, 4 p.m., Crowder Hall in the Music building. Pre-Commencement
Hooding Ceremony for graduate students. Reception following in the Theatre
Arts courtyard. Academic attire and RSVP required.
Saturday, 10 a.m., Crowder Hall in the Music building. Pre-commencement
ceremony for undergraduates. Reception in the Theatre Arts building courtyard.
Academic attire and RSVP required.
College of Humanities
Friday, 3 p.m., Gallagher Theatre. Hooding Ceremony for graduate students.
Saturday, 6:45 a.m., Marriott University Park Hotel, 880 E. Second St.
Undergraduate Breakfast and Awards Ceremony. RSVP by May 12 at 621-4843.
College of Law
Saturday, 3 p.m., Centennial Hall. Convocation with reception following
at the College of Law courtyard.
College of Medicine
Friday, 8 p.m., Centennial Hall. Convocation and reception. Speaker,
Dr. David A. Hilfiker.
Saturday, 3-5 p.m., Arizona Graduate Program in Public Health reception
TBA. Call 626-3200.
College of Nursing
Friday, 1 p.m., Memorial Student Union Arizona Ballroom. Convocation
with reception following.
College of Pharmacy
Friday, 4 p.m., Memorial Student Union Arizona Ballroom. Convocation
and reception, Doctor of Pharmacy hooding ceremony and student awards.
College of Science
Saturday, 6:30 a.m., Memorial Student Union Arizona Ballroom. Breakfast
and Awards Ceremony.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Saturday, 10:30 a.m., Memorial Student Union Senior Ballroom.Brunch and
reception. RSVP 621-1112.
School of Health Professions
Saturday, 10:30 a.m., Arizona Health Sciences Center DuVal Auditorium
Room 2600. RSVP 621-4850.
Air Force
Friday, 6 p.m., Memorial Fountain, west side of Old Main.
Friday, 2 p.m., Memorial Student Union Rincon Room. Call 621-5608 for
further information.
Friday, 6 p.m., Arizona State Museum.
