![[ NEWS ]](/images/fall97/newsf97.gif)


By Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat September 23, 1997
Today on Campus
- Samual Robert Cook, a student in the Comparative Cultural and Literary
Studies department, will discuss "Monacans and Mountaineers: A
Comparative Study of Colonialism and Dependency in Southern Appalachia"
today at 1 p.m. in the Bio Sciences East building, Room 100.
- James Kasting of Penn State University discusses "Methane in
the Atmospheres of Early Earth and Mars" at 3:30 p.m. in the Kuiper
Space Sciences building, Room 308.
- Sam Keim discusses "Airway Management" in the Emergency
Medicine Grand Rounds at 9 a.m. in the Arizona Health Sciences Center,
Room 5403.
- German physicist Volker Schunemann presents "Mossbauer Studies
of the Spinach Cytochrome bf Complex" today at 4 p.m. in the Chemical
and Biological Sciences building, Room 215.
