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Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 13, 1997

Today on Campus

  • Taos Pueblo-Creek Indian Howard Rainer, an advocate for Native American Pride an Progress, will present "Celebrating over 500 Years of Native American Parental and Community Involvement in the Education of Their Children," beginning at 2 p.m. in the Arizona Ballroom of the Memorial Student Union.
  • Sharpen your pencils and writing skills with Kendra Gaines of the Writing Skills Improvement Program. Gaines will discuss "Organizing the Introductory Paragraph" at 5 p.m. in Room 413 of the Modern Languages building. This lecture is held every Monday, as part of a free series of workshops.
  • A cancer biology seminar entitled "Biochemistry and Structure of a Nitric Oxide Transport Protein," will be presented by biochemist John Anderson from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Arizona Cancer Center, Room 2920.
  • Aspiring astronomers, set down those telescopes and attend the "Microlensing-What can it tell us about planets?" colloquium. Stan Peale of UCSB will present this lesson at 4 p.m. in the Physics and Atmospheric Sciences building, Room 201.
  • See what the Einsteins of today are exploring at The Toxicology/SWEHSC 3rd Annual Science Fair from 12:30 to 7:30 p.m., downtown at the Tucson Convention Center. It's not on campus, but it'll be worth the trip.

- compiled by Kate Longworth


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