![[ NEWS ]](/images/fall97/newsf97.gif)


Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat October
21, 1997
Today on Campus
- Are you hangin' 10 on the Internet? Then you want to surf
over to "Ethics
on the Internet" from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Main Library.
The Arizona Regional Chapter of
ASIS and SLA invite you to attend this
program presented by Suzanne Weisband of the UA Management Information
- "Persona," the undergraduate magazine of literature
and art of UA presents the
literary stylings and poetic pontifications
of Carl Marcum and Eric Brunet. Marcum, last year's co-editor of Persona,
Brunet, who was published in Persona last year, will begin speaking
at 7:30 p.m. in The Cellar of the Memorial Student Union.
- Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society Monthly Program
will be held tonight at 7:30 in the DuVal Auditorium of the
Arizona Health
Sciences Center. Ron Towner presents new information about Navajo pueblitos
and discusses their importance for
understanding the history of Navajos
in the Southwest.
- Explore "Near Results from 253 Mathilde and Plans for
with Peter Thomas of Cornell University. This planetary science colloquium
will be held in Room 308 of the Space
Sciences building from 3:30 to 4:30
- UA graduate student Andrew Uplinger will present "The Electronic
Structure of (eta prime) -Acetylids" at 4 p.m. in the Chemistry
and Biology Sciences building, Room
- compiled by Kate Longworth
