![[ NEWS ]](/images/fall97/newsf97.gif)


Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat October 27,
Today on Campus
- What does the future hold for you? Consult the Crystal Ball with
French of Wellesley College as he discusses "The Winds of Neptune
as Seen Through a Crystal Ball." This
luncheon seminar will begin
at noon in Room 309 of the Space Sciences building.
- Da-na-da-na Da-na-da-na . . .it's JAWS! At 12
p.m. in the Biology Sciences
West building, Room 237, UA's Kim Driver will give a lesson on "Hydrodynamics
of the
Hammerhead Shark."
- If you're a fruit lover, you want to be sure to catch this lesson on
"Mealybugs and
Ants in Pineapple: Disaster in the Making."
Marshall Johnson of the University of Hawaii will give this seminar, beginning
at 3:45 p.m. in the Marley building auditorium, Room 230.
- Today at lunch, see how the other half eats at "Cattle
Management Model." Muhammad Bashir Lakhani of UA agricultural
and biosystems engineering will be
presenting this seminar, held from 12
to 12:30 p.m. in Room 440 of the Shantz (Agricultural Sciences) building.
- Need help
passing English 101? Get tips from "The Documented
Essay: Incorporating Quotations," a lecture by Kendra
held in Modern Languages Room 413, as part of the Writing Skills Improvement
-compiled by Kate Longworth
