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Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 3, 1997
Today on Campus
- We are one with "Simunye," presented
by the Africana Studies
department. Professor Colette Marie Sims discusses the "African
American Presence in (Pre)
Post-Apartheid South Africa: Layers of Meaning."
Her discussion will be held in Room 100 of the Martin Luther King
from noon to 1 p.m.
- You don't want to end up behind bars, so make sure you're abiding by
the "Copyright
Law." Attorney Joan Larken of Tucson Electric
Power Co. presents this seminar from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 440 of the
Shantz Building.
- What's that forming in the sky? Is it a bird, a plane? No it's "A
Study of the Dynamical Signatures of
Star Formation." Tune into
Gopalakrishnan Narayanan's discussion beginning at 1 p.m. in the Steward
Observatory, Room
- Learn the law in just three weeks by attending The People's Law School.
This series by Michael R. Arkfeld is dedicated to
providing timely legal
information to the public. Today's session will be "The Internet,
Technology and Practice of
Law." Tuition for this series, which
includes three Monday classes from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 146 of the College
of Law,
will be $20 for students. Space is limited, so call Carolyn Bass
to register at 623-8258.
your opportunity to meet the president.
The UA president that is. Join new UA President Peter Likins in
the Memorial
Student Union Rotunda at 1:30 p.m. for an ice cream social.
For more information, call Tricia Perkins at
- compiled by Kate Longworth
