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Forward Justin Wessel (30) looks for a hole as Quynn Tebbs (24) defends him.
Center A.J. Bramlett (42) returns a rebound for a basket as Bennette Davidson (21) looks on.
Guard Quynn Tebbs (24) falls as forward Eugene Edgerson (33) tries for the basket. Michael Dickerson (23), Justin Wessel and A.J. Bramlett (42) look on.
Guard Mike Bibby (10) surrounds Miles Simon (34) as he looks for the pass.
Guard Miles Simon (34) shoots the ball as Quynn Tebbs (24) tries to block him, and Eugene Edgerson (33) looks on.
Guard Mike Bibby (10) passes the ball as Jason Terry (31) and A.J. Bramlett (42) reach for the ball. Donnell Harris (13) and Justin Wessel (30) look on.
Guard Miles Simon (34) squares off against forward Bennett Davidson (21).
Guard Miles Simon (34) jumps under the basket as he goes for a goal.
The Pom Pom squad performs at the Red and Blue half-time show.
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