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By Erin McCusker
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 7, 1997

50th royal couple takes home Homecoming crown tonight


Kristy Mangos
Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Homecoming king and queen nominees take a break from playing Singled Out, one of this week's daily Homecoming events, to pose for a picture. From left to right are: Tiamo Devettori, Casey Cuny, Patrick Williams, J.J. Rico, Kenny Corley, Caroline Dill on, Andrea Arlotti, Robyn Connolly, Katie Jeffries and Rosanna Savone. The winners will be announced tonight at the Bonfire Pep Rally on the UA Mall at 8 p.m.

This year's Homecoming king and queen will be crowned today as the UA's 50th royal couple.

"No matter what the outcome is, it's fun to be involved," said Homecoming queen nominee Katie Jeffries, a communication senior sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta.

UA students voted for the royal couple on Wednesday and the winners will be announced at 8 tonight at the Bonfire Pep Rally on the UA Mall.

Court candidates were nominated by clubs and organizations, followed by a series of interviews and social mixers to inform senior honorary members about their academic and extracurricular achievements. Mortar Board and Bobcats senior honoraries sponsor th e annual election and narrowed the field down to 10.

The Homecoming queen nominees are: Andrea Arlotti, a speech and hearing senior; Robyn Connolly, a speech and hearing senior; Caroline Dillon, a marketing senior; Katie Jeffries, and Rosanna Savone, a political science senior.

The Homecoming king nominees are: Kenny Corley, a political science senior; Casey Cuny, a marketing and communication senior; Tiamo Devettori, a psychology senior; J.J. Rico, a political science senior; and Patrick Williams, a communication senior.

The candidates participated in UA Mall events each day this week as part of the Homecoming festivities. The events included Kiss the Candidate, mud tug-of-war and a game of MTV's Singled Out.

Robyn Connolly, a former Wilma the Wildcat and Chain Gang Junior Honorary member, and current member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, said she was looking forward to the mud tug-of-war.

"This has been a great opportunity to meet people I haven't met before," said Connolly.

Tracy Regan, co-chair of Homecoming queen selections and math and economics senior, said the Homecoming court events are similar every year.

"We're hoping for increased spirit among the student body," Regan said.

One consistent problem in the past has been a lack of voting among students for the king and queen, said Julie Stanford, co-chair of Mortar Board Homecoming king selections.

Stanford said she hopes this year's court will motivate people to vote.

"It's a nice, diverse group of people," Stanford said. "In the past we've been limited to a specific group, but this year's Homecoming has a good group of finalists."

The Homecoming court has representatives from Greek organizations, the UA baseball team, the Associated Students of UA and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/as de Aztlán.

"It's a nice honor in and of itself," said Patrick Williams, justice for the Greek Judicial Board and a director for ASUA's Spring Fling.

"I think everyone who's part of it would agree that it's an honor. It's really nice to be recognized."

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