Arizona Daily Wildcat November 10, 1997 On-line service to speed registrationDepartments will have the ability this spring to drop or add courses for individual students through a new on-line service devised by the Registrar's office and CCIT.Associate Registrar Judith Mobasseri said the program, which becomes effective in the spring of 1998, will make registration more convenient for a lot of students. "As you may have noticed, we sometimes have lines at the Registrar's office," she said. The system will enable students to stay within their departments while they decide on the classes they want or need to take, she said. Along with RSVP phone registration, the on-line system will also reduce paperwork for departments. Mobasseri said the system will especially improve the registration process in situations when departmental consent or instructor signature is required to add a class. Boyer Rickel, assistant director of the Creative Writing department, said the system has helped English majors who need to add a particular class in order to graduate on time. "Our classes are small and there is not many sections to choose from," he said. "What it does is give our majors and minors the first chance to get into our classes." Departmental staff gradually are being trained by the Office of the Registrar to use the new system. Students interested in using this service should consult a department in their area of study.