Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
January 15, 1998
Today on Campus
- Are UA athletes having trouble out on the Tucson streets? The African American Faculty Staff Association will hold a panel discussion from noon to 1:30 p.m. discussing Gangs and Their Relation to College Athletics. Is there really a problem and how can the community deal with this issue? Head to Room A313 of the Main Library to find out.
- Roger MacFarlane of the IBM Almaden Research Center will discuss "Photon-Gated Processes in Optical Materials." Join him at 3:45 p.m. in Room 410 of the Meinel Building.
- Do you wish you had more say in campus issues? Well, here is your chance to be a part of UA community decision making. The Ombudsperson Commitee is accepting nominations for new members to serve the 1998-2000 term. As a member of this committee you will help resolve campus disputes in a confidential, informal manner. Call 621-5150 to obtain more information on the nominating process
- Get the inside scoop on molecular and cellular biology with The Scripps Institute's Mark Ginsberg as he presents "Intergrins, the Inside Story." The seminar will begin at 3:30 p.m. the Biology West building, Room 237.
- compiled by Kate Longworth
