Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
January 23, 1998
Today on Campus
- Graduate Student Christian Fellowship meets tonight at 7. For fun and fellowship head to the Little Chapel of All Nations at the corner of First Street and Highland Avenue. Parking is available. Call 622-2767 for more information.
- Looking for something to do this weekend? Why not drop by the Cellar of the Memorial Student Union to see what's going on there tomorrow from 7 p.m. to midnight. Blackfire, an American Indian Alternative Rock group, Spirit Union Revival, featuring eclectic kaleidoscopic dance music, and the puppet variety show Cledd's Castle will all be guests in attendance for this occasion. If you want more details, dial (888) 299-2259; otherwise just show up for this all ages show. Tickets are $5 at the door.
- Learn the mysteries behind bubble blowing by attending "Supercooling and Solidification Studies Using Levitated Drops and Trapped Bubbles." E.H. Trinh of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology leads this lecture today from 4 to 5 p.m. in Physics and Atmospheric Sciences, Room 220.
- Jose Suay of the UA speaks on "Seasoned Equity Offerings: Asymmetric Information and Underwriter Certification." You can join him this afternoon from 2 to 3:30 in McClelland Hall, Room 315S.
- compiled by Kate Longworth
