![[ NEWS ]](/images/fall97/newsf97.gif)


Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 9, 1998
Today on Campus
- Nohema Fernandez will entertain her
audience on the piano tonight
from 8 to 10 p.m., as part of the Faculty Recital Series. You can
be a part of her audience in
Crowder Hall of the Fine Arts Complex and
experience the passion of Spanish and Latin-American music. Tickets can
be purchased
for $5, $8 and $10.
- The "Signals Patterning the Vertebrate Limb" will
be discussed from 4 to 5 p.m. in
Room 5403 of the Arizona Health Sciences
Center. Cliff Tabin of Harvard Medical School, with the help of Cell Biology
and Anatomy
Graduate Students will lead this lesson.
- "Hot, Sweet and Sticky: Wild Foods of the Sonoran Desert,"
will be
featured in the DuVal Auditorium of the University Medical Center
tonight at 7. This slide show, presented by Kevin Dahl, will lead
Bob Wenrick's photographic tour of Alaska's wilderness.
- compiled by Kate
